HRSS Speaker Series

The Hajja Razia Sharif Sheikh (HRSS) Speaker Series 

The HRSS Speaker Series invites members of the Muslim community and scholars of religion to address the public on matters pertaining to Islamic thought and Muslim culture.

Please join us for the following events: 


The Ethiopian Revolution of 1974: 50 Years On - January 26-27, 2024 (University of Miami) 

February 2024 will mark five decades since the outbreak of the Ethiopian revolution of 1974. The University of Miami will hold an international symposium to mark this important event in African history titled “The Ethiopian Revolution of 1974: 50 Years On” from January 26 - 27, 2024. The symposium will bring together scholars, researchers, students, and interested people from around the world to interrogate and discuss papers presented by scholars on varying aspects of the revolution in a 50-year retrospective. The goal is to examine the post-1974 historical processes in modern Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa in the context of the geopolitics of continental developments, the Red Sea basin, and global factors, including the Cold War, and scrutinize the competing, often contradictory, historiographical viewpoints through the prism of fresh sources and innovative methodological approaches. 

The event will take place at the Frost Institute for Chemistry & Molecular Biology Seminar Room, Coral Gables Campus. 

The symposium will feature a panel entitled "Religious Dynamics, Revolution and the State." Papers include:

“Revolution, Repression, and Revival: The Derg’s Impact on Ethiopia’s Religions" by Jörg Haustein, the University of Cambridge & Terje Østebø, University of Florida

“Bringing Religion Back In: The Ethiopian Revolution and Evangelical Christianity" by  Ezekiel Gebissa, Kettering University

"Revolution, Religion, and the State in Ethiopia: Islam and Muslims in Arsii and Jimmaa Since 1974" by  Ketebo Ensene, Jimma University

For a complete listing of panel presentations, see the Symposium Schedule

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  • Past Events

    "Sectarianism in the Muslim World"

    Featuring Imran Ahmad, February 8, 2023

    “Muslim Futurism: Definitions, Explorations, and Future Directions”

    A virtual conference to take place between January 21-23, 2022 

    For more information, see the conference website:
